Fecha de grabación: 18/09/2012
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Doctor Honoris Causa UC3M. John M. Carroll. Sept, 2012

Entrevista al profesor de Ciencias de la Información y Tecnología de la Universidad Estatal de Pennsylvania, EEUU, John Carroll, con motivo de su investidura como Doctor Honoris Causa de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, el 18 de septiembre de 2012, en el Aula Magna de la universidad.

Interview with professor of Information Science and Technology at University of Pennsylvania (USA) on the occasion of his investiture ceremony as Doctor Honoris Causa, held at the university assembly hall, on September 18, 2012.

0:23 What is the profile of students and faculty members for information and technology studies?
2:08 What is the future of human centered informatics?
4:32 You stayed at UC3M as Chair of Excellence2010. What is your impression of this university?

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Digital3 sept2012:

serie: 2012
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