Fecha de grabación: 26/06/2017
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6.1 Round table of perspectives from the state administration on open science.mp4

Ms. Clara Eugenia García, Director General for Research, Development and Innovation, Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness·
Mr. João Nuno Ferreira, Director of the National Unit for Scientific Computing of the Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal· Mr. João Mendes Moreira, Head of Scientific Information of the National Unit for Scientific Computing of the Science and Technology Foundation, Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal.
Chair: Mrs. Teresa Roldán Arjona, Vice-rector of R&D of the University of Córdoba and Member of the Executive Committee of Crue-I+D+i

UTEDA - Servicios en Campus
Clara Eugenia García
João Mendes Moreira
João Nuno Ferreira
Teresa Roldán Arjona

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