Serie: 11-th International Symposium on Orthogonal Polynomials, Special Functions and Applications


"Opening 11th OPSFA"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Héctor Pijeira Cabrera
Presents: Héctor Pijeira Cabrera

"There's something about Paco."

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Manuel Alfaro
Presents: Héctor Pijeira Cabrera

"El ingenioso hidalgo Don Paco Marcellán Español"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Walter Van Assche
Walter Van Assche

"Announcement of the Gábor Szegö Prize winner by Francisco Marcellán"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Paco Marcellan

"Life and Work of Tom Claeys"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Paco Marcellan

"Phase transitions in the asymptotics for Toeplitz determinants"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Tom Claeys
Tom Claeys

"Fast decreasing polynomials and Christo el functions"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Vilmos Totik
Vilmos Totik

"Hypergeometric polynomials with varying non-classical parameters. "Critical" cases"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ramón Orive
Ramón Orive

"Log-concavity in parameters, two-sided bounds and representations for hypergeometric and related functions"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Dmitry Karp
Dmitry Karp

"The second and third Appell's functions for one large variable"

    Video  |  en,  (05'')  |  Viewed: 0 times
Ester Pérez Sinusía
Ester Pérez Sinusía